
Category: My Music   Tracks: 26   Views: 1101  

by dakkon kim - 26 tracks
tank Music to my ears
Raven:I'm sorry commander I'm afraid I can't do that
SCV:Woo hoo! Overtime.
SCV:Oh that's just great.
Raven:Order acknowledged
Battlecruiser:Don't panic, just grab ahold of the nearest crew member.
SCV thats a neg
Marine I came here to kick ass and chew bubble gum
Marine Thank you sir May I have another
medivac local time
medivac Me you sure
medivac Oh Hell
SCV Assimulation
tank Ab-Sol-Lutely
tank Af-fir-ma-tive
tank fav damage
tank Goodnight now
tank whats that
Marine Kiss my ass
medivac Oh suck it up You act like you got BOTH arms blown off
tank I dont have to shoot ya I can just run you over
tank Why don't you walk about thirty yards out and stand still for me
Thor its over you idiots
Raven:I know I made some very poor decisions lately, but I can give you complete assurance that my work will be back to normal.