by Britny May - 157 tracks
you sure are good at murder
you should meet my twin brother darkwing. he is not very nice
you saved brightwing. you are a real hero
you have no mouth. that is weird. you are weird
you have been beaten. beaten bad.
you did good job, i like it
you are scary creature i am scared of
you are new friend. yay. i love you friend
you are chicken. do you taste like chicken too. let us find out
you are a good person. yay.
yes. we have done a good thing together
yes. on way
yes. i will
yes yes. well done
yes yes. we will fight together
yay. color
yay for us
wow. you very pretty
why so sad. you should smile like this
why poke brightwing. oh. is it because you want brightwing to gnaw flesh from finger
why no fight. are you scared. or dumb. maybe both
why do you itch butt. i will sracth you into submission. victory for brightwing
why are you so mean. meanie
where bad guy go. anyone see
we will do it together
we should not leave this here
we get to play now oh good
we are the best. we will win without a doubt
we are friends now. hello friend
uh-oh. bad guys disappear
too loud, cow man. too loud
this. bad thing.
this will only hurt until you die
this place is nice
this place is cold. i do not like it at all
this person is bad. stop them now
things going bad. can you help me
these things are things to collect
the emerald dream is not a dream. and has no emeralds. oh deep thought. head hurts now
that was easy. you are easy to kill
that was done well
that is what you deserve for being mean
thank you. brightwing was feeling sad
thank you thank you
thank you friend
thank you for saving me friend
sharing is caring
ready for fighting now
please take thing for brightwing
ouchie time
oops. brightwing did bad thing
oooh. entrails. tasty.
oooh i like it
ooh. scary voice. brightwing no like. things like you should not talk
ooh. neat trick
ooh big grub. good for eat. i hope so.
okay. friend
ohho fun
oh yes. i like fun
oh no
oh i will make a new friend
oh hello night elf. hello to you
no one likes you. and now you are dead
no no no
need to go away from here. very fast.
need help
my health is low
mean and bad. you need to die many times
losing is not possible for us
let's go together
let us slay this together. as the best of friends
let us move this thing away for here now
let us make their insides, outsides
let us be friends. you don't want to be my enemy
kur. yes yes
it is time to attack the bad people. join me.
i will think about you as we part
i will hurt you now
i will be very happy to tear you limb to limb if you continue
i think we should run for our lives
i think this is important. we should capture it
i shall come to help you now
i see you. and i am saying hi
i must fly away now. i will come back later.
i miss food. do you have food. food would make brightwing happy
i like to smile. do you like to smile. i really like to smile when i kill baddies
i like happy things. like puppies and rainbows... and dead enemies
i have wings. isn't that happy making
i get lonely here. but it is okay. you are here with me now
i enjoyed brutually killing you very much
i do not think so
i do not like to do this
i am thanking now
i am sorry for something
i am sad now
i am ready for battling. are you ready friend
i am on my way to help you friend
i am happy to agree
i am attacking you now
i am angered. and you will not like it
i agree. yes i do.
human words are hard to make together talking for expressing. things.
how. that is not possible
help friends. do good
hello. i am happy to meet you
hello there
healing is good. i like you
goodbye friend
good choice. good for me
go away
friends need brightwing. must hurry
friends be healed
friend in trouble
fly now
flutter flutter. flutter. flutter. what. it is fun
fight time
ew. you smell very very badly
doing bad things is bad. and now you are dead
do you think we should attack now. i do
dislike you. very much
did you suffer greatly. i hope so
deliver the things we have collected friend
death is bad. except for this. this can die
danger near us
dancing is for good times
burn with nature's wrath
brightwing wins
brightwing will help you
brightwing was ouchie. you make it better
brightwing ready to face danger
brightwing no like icky beetle. yuck. too crunchy
brightwing like you lots. please be friend, oh please
brightwing like it out here. very pretty
brightwing has secret for friend. does friend know secret
brightwing going. going going
brightwing going through weird phase right now. oh. there goes again
brightwing fly to you
brightwing did good thing
brightwing back from the dead. very happy
blessings upon friends
being alive is much better than dead
be careful friends. the bad people are near us
bad things happening
~giggle~ you are my friend and i love you
~brightwing noise~
`you give wing family bad name.
`this is bad. can not move.
`oh druid fall down. silly druid.
`hello friend. i like druids. they are nice
`brightwing fight with shando. this is good thing.

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