by joe cabral - 103 tracks Full Board $4.99
F@#k your mother ( robert de niro)
Goos Bla Bla
Happy now ass wipe
I Hear By Say Sir Enough
I Told you not to go there
I want to Order the chicken fried dinner
I'm reloaded
John Gacy#1
John Gacy#2
OK Fat Ass
Stop Babbling Boy
The anger sharks are swimming in my head
We may be small
You think your big time
your a women beater
scarface 1
scarface 2
scarface 3
scarface 4
scarface 5
scarface 6
scarface 7
Fuck you f@#kin queer's ( mat damon)
Go save a kitten in a tree homos (mat damon)
you got nothing
are you going to be a loser
nong nong song
randle 1 (Clerks 2)
randle 2
randle 3
randle 4
randle 5
randle 6
randle 7
randle 8
randle 9
randle 10
randle 11
pickle f@#ker come back
thanks pickle f@#ker
I going to kick your ass
noise clerks 2
Vendetta kind of mood (christopher walken)
F@#ckin faggots (robert de niro)
Ali G 1 (The Ali G Show)
Ali G 2
Ali G 3
Ali G 4
Ali G 5
Ali G 6
Ali G 7
Ali G 8
Ali G 9
Ali G 10
Ali G 11
Ali G 12
Ali G 13
Ali G 14
this is Sparta
Doyle Hargraves #1
Doyle Hargraves #2
Doyle Hargraves #3
Doyle Hargraves #4
Doyle Hargraves #5
Doyle Hargraves #6
Doyle Hargraves #7
Doyle Hargraves #8
Doyle Hargraves #9
Doyle Hargraves #10
Doyle Hargraves #11
Doyle Hargraves #12
Doyle Hargraves #13
Doyle Hargraves #14
Drill Instructor Hartman #1 (Full Metal Jacket)
Drill Instructor Hartman #2
Drill Instructor Hartman #3
Drill Instructor Hartman #4
Drill Instructor Hartman #5
Drill Instructor Hartman #6
Drill Instructor Hartman #7
Drill Instructor Hartman #8
Drill Instructor Hartman #9
Drill Instructor Hartman #10
Drill Instructor Hartman #11
Drill Instructor Hartman #12
Drill Instructor Hartman #13
Drill Instructor Hartman #14
Drill Instructor Hartman #15
Drill Instructor Hartman #16
Drill Instructor Hartman #17
Drill Instructor Hartman #18
Drill Instructor Hartman #19
Drill Instructor Hartman #20
Drill Instructor Hartman #21
Drill Instructor Hartman #22
Street Hooker #1 (Full Metal Jacket)
Street Hooker #2
Street Hooker #3
Street Hooker #4
Street Hooker #5
Street Hooker #6
Street Hooker #7

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Boards form joe cabral
Incredibly funny harassment sounds to annoy people, Content taken out of movie's, Lot of cool one liners, and Memorable characters (Parental Advisory) containing offensive language High Quality Sounding Board
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