by Fractoman - 211 tracks
Wolfy A rat is smarter than you
Wolfy All you gotta do
Wolfy Alright you're getting muted
Wolfy And he's just like I'm silver 2
Wolfy Do you understand that
Wolfy Do you understand
Wolfy Does this guy ever stop
Wolfy Ever look at someone in ranked and wonder
Wolfy God damn, nigga
Wolfy He needs to stop that shit
Wolfy He went the EU build
Wolfy I agree
Wolfy I can kill this mother fucker dude
Wolfy I didn't hear one word you guys said
Wolfy I don't know why he's saying calm down
Wolfy I don't understand, dude
Wolfy I just don't understand 2
Wolfy I just don't understand
Wolfy I just fucking can't dude
Wolfy I like how it took him an extra 3 minutes
Wolfy I love how his response was to get loud
Wolfy I out farmed the shit out of him
Wolfy I was already penetrated once this game
Wolfy IDK what to say
Wolfy IDK why
Wolfy I'm just being real
Wolfy I'm not being mean
Wolfy Laugh Big 1
Wolfy Laugh Big 2
Wolfy Laugh Small 1
Wolfy Laugh Small 2
Wolfy Laugh Small 3
Wolfy Like he legit was like
Wolfy Like holy shit
Wolfy Like why can't he just wait
Wolfy Oh my fucking god dude
Wolfy People are stupid these days
Wolfy RIP the dream
Wolfy Sigh ah well
Wolfy Stop walking into the enemy team and getting killed
Wolfy That guy is just bitching
Wolfy That person doesn't even qualify
Wolfy That rat is smarter than that person
Wolfy That would actually be the dream
Wolfy That's not an excuse to be retarded
Wolfy That's not an excuse
Wolfy The Fuckin Dream
Wolfy These guys don't know what they're doing
Wolfy This dude gettin shit on
Wolfy We keep doing the same shit
Wolfy What's so hard
Wolfy Why the fuck would he ult
Wolfy With penetration
Wolfy Yea like that was stupid
Wolfy Yea no no no
Wolfy You don't have to be scared
Wolfy You keep on walking into the entire enemy team
Wolfy You mad as fuck
Wolfy You stabbed him in the forehead
Wolfy You take that back right now
Wolfy You're actually throwing the game
Wolfy You've done that like 7 times
Matty Eat chicken
Matty Fuck
Matty GGWPs
Matty Gimmie dat melon
Matty Hello
Matty How do we lose that man
Matty I lose so many games that I shouldn't
Matty I was laggin boys
Matty I'm reall lagi er uh ea uh er
Matty I'm really bad
Matty It's all I got man
Matty It's good to see my bros
Matty It's not like this game screws me
Matty Laugh 1
Matty Lets listen to these hot calls
Matty Man, this shit is terrible
Matty Maybe I'll have to try smashing my face
Matty Not today baby
Matty Not today junior
Matty Oh baby
Matty Oh Fuck Dude OHHHH
Matty Oh Fuck, Chicken Tenders
Matty Oh my golly
Matty Ranked is so terrible in this game
Matty Shut up man, you know I love you
Matty Support plox
Matty Thanks for supporting the support
Matty They messed up so bad man
Matty This is going to be a close one
Matty This is lookin like matchmaking is just on fire
Matty Welcome to the big boys
Matty What the hell is this
Matty What's up my man, it's good to see you
Matty You are a true melon
Matty You the best baby
Steve Alright lets win
Steve Alright
Steve Butt's always clenched
Steve Help!
Steve How do I shoot myself
Steve I didn't fuck up this time
Steve I don't want him to die
Steve I killed 2 fucks
Steve I kinda do but..
Steve I want to kill myself WTF is this
Steve IDK
Steve I'm scared
Steve I'm trying to come
Steve Monster Kill
Steve no
Steve OOOH noises
Steve Ooohgh noises
Steve Please (orgasmic)
Steve Thank you, I would suck your dick
Steve Yea, everyone would love that
Steve Yo, where's the grill at
Steve You have access to my butthole
Pern Ally only loves me when I stream
Pern Alright here we go Steve
Pern As long as you try, Steve
Pern Becky OMG
Pern Buck Fest
Pern Clench your butt
Pern DM says best Rat
Pern Dude, Hirez is so smart
Pern Fucking McShat dude
Pern Hey girl we dont want you on our team anymore, sorry
Pern How did you survive
Pern I don't think that's too much to ask TBH
Pern I felt sad, parts of me died inside
Pern I give up
Pern I have just one question for you
Pern I just got shrekt
Pern I less than three u guise
Pern I like to not camp a lane
Pern I love the AK
Pern I thought you said you wanted to eat him
Pern I told her we don't want her on our team
Pern I was acting like a dick head
Pern I would put my money on Steve over McShat
Pern I'm making a reddit post
Pern I'm so bad
Pern I'm still gonna do WTF ever I wanna do
Pern Laugh 1
Pern Laugh 2
Pern Laugh 3
Pern Laugh 4
Pern Loves Steve
Pern My god
Pern No way
Pern Oh my, are you kidding me
Pern OMG that was incredible
Pern Plays with Steve, or tries
Pern RabbiMohammed is the biggest PoS KtM
Pern Shoutouts to the 15 year olds of Smite
Pern Sick nasty play
Pern Steve's dead
Pern Take notes
Pern That's all you can ask for
Pern The ultimate catfish of ranked
Pern We need to find a new girl
Pern We're just getting boned
Pern We've got shit to do, Steve
Pern What a legend
Pern Why am I a bitch, dude
Pern Yo grill, your team sucks, join us
Pern You can hold my hand if you get scared
Lassiz Big blue balls
Lassiz Coolest Juke, Not
Lassiz Fuego Fuego Fuego
Lassiz Get fucking shit on
Lassiz I used Beads but IDK why
Lassiz I'm getting fucked on
Lassiz I've got 600 ping
Lassiz Laugh 1
Lassiz Laugh 2
Lassiz LOL WTF
Lassiz My Body Huge Bois
Lassiz Oh Damn
Lassiz Oh My God
Lassiz The balls to the face
Lassiz Welcome to Smite boys
Lassiz Yell 1
Lassiz Yo c'mere
Lassiz You guys making those throws
DM Kicked, banned, and you're an Idiot
DM 3 whole creeps
DM And Im dead
DM Classic hypocrite
DM Dont say you got em
DM For a reason
DM Go to lane
DM I backed off and you cost
DM Imma boutta F6
DM Keyboard
DM omfg
DM Weve talked about this
DM wtf is he doing
DM You say you got em when
Allied Amazed Laugh
Allied Are you OHHH OHH
Allied I hate this game
Allied I just won us the game boys
Allied If I hit this I'm a God
Allied Laugh 1
Allied OMFG
Allied Run MOFO Run

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