by Dale Campbell - 199 tracks
Youth, love ones, pizza
your right
Your protection needs more protection
your my safe cracker
You'll like a burger shot
You your coming with me
You think all things
You need more than that
You might as well give up now
You look like an idot
You have no grounds
You guys sort it out
You couldn't hit a barn door
You cant shoot nothing
You can kiss your promostion goodbye
You asked for it
Yeah Yeah whatever
Yeah thats me
yeah hillary
with extra guts
Wilco roger that
why would anyone want to speak to me
Who the hell are you
Wheres Cam
What ever you say
What did I tell you
what a load of crap
Weres hillary
Weres cam
Were talking about a mans freedom here
Well hello there
We use all of the cow
we made it
We just need your key code and were good
We got the swat retuirement fund
We get this cheap
We better go find him
Watch the wheels
Wait here
Vice city swat
Use explosives
Tommy would you like a massage
Timers are set3
Timers are set2
Timers are set
Tie him up and gag him
This is a raid
This guy is a loony
This could take hours to crack
These idots are around a corner
These charges are not worth the charges
Theres going to be hell to pay
theres an imposter
There they are
There storming the place
There here
There crapping themselves
The volt is open
The Swat will be here any minute
the car is ruined
Take Cover1
Take Cover
sure he was there
Sure everything is real quiet
Street races are illgal and forbiddin
Street race in progress1
Stop waving that thing around
Smile at the other cops
Sluder her myself sir
Shut up you to or you can get out and walk
remember the name
Real smooth
Put the wepon away
Pre appicked dodo
Please treat me bad
Phil things still sweet
Phil hold down the fort
Or 5 minutes if you could find the manager
Okey tommy
Ok Ok Just dont shoot
ohh fits perfectly
Now where hillarys gone
Now that got him really eratted
Nobody move
No cop drives this bad
Nice badge
Nice and easy
My Window display
My store
My lifelyhood distroyed
My client is inercent
my client is a very important man
Mine too
lose the heat and get me back to my place
Lets get the cops attention
Leave me alone and never forgive me
Keep driving around the block
Its on a time lock
It was living this morning
Im not driving for you
Im busing you out
I'll pay for the protection
I'll go find where he is held up
I'll give him adamit issues
I'll drive
I'll drive if
I'll be seeing you later
If you asked to be your wife
I will make a clam against the police department
I told you not to touch that alam
I said nobody move
I run this town
I got your asses covered
I can do with some help
I am not
How long2
How long
Hillary's taking up to much room
Hillary go find another car
Hey tommy why have we stoped
He's gon insaine
Here they come
Hell I can bypass the time lock
He wasn't in Vice City
He wasn't in town today
He walks now
He never did that
He is an isecent man
He doesn't own a gun
he doen't apresite being called a killer
Great a passenger
Go Go Go
Give me a bigger slice
Give me 3 minutes
Get in
Get in the car
Fresh guts in a bun sir
Fire amunstion
Fangy 900
Everyone agianst that wall
Enjoy your prosses cow lips
Dont mention it
Dont make me get irrrated
Do you want to do me a favour and get together a job
Do you think that is coing to stand up in court
Do you think I was capable of that
Damn straight
Damn it
Crazy Laugh
Crap now the cops are on to us
come on he is an inercent man
Can I help you sir
Can I get something to eat here
Can I get some food here pal
Cam the volts upstars
Cam Jones
Calling all officers
Call officer polesci down here
Burger shot to go2
Burger shot to go
Black Fethers
beats losing my ass in a cell
Beat the hell out of them
bail or I sue
Authrised Personal
asame Cam didn't make it
Area Clear
Are you serving or hanging out
Are you drinking on the job
Are to
and your wife is not that great
and were not even there yet
All will pass and end
A bit tight around the croch thou
15 seconds
10 seconds
5 seconds
3,2,1 Fire
Opening and Closing vanuatu
frogpants opening
Im coming though
I like nike air
I got manky hair
I got a beer gut
Chips and gravy
Aussie battler style

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