by Chris H - 31 tracks
Well Hello!
How are you doing?
Might i have your first name?
Do you know who I am?
Col.Nathan R. Jessep (long)
I'm a pretty good guy
Short laugh
I Beg Your Pardon!
This is ridiculous!
You want answers!
You can't handle the truth!
Are we clear#1
Are we clear#2
You have to ask me nice#1
You snotty little bastard!
I eat breakfast 300 yards from 4000 cubans!
Did you ever serve#3
Did you ever serve#2
Did you ever serve#1
You will address me as col. or sir
I'm sorry i was so rude before
Are you a homofobe?
Crying for mother
You f@#ked with the wrong marine
indian sounds
I'm a friend of your daughter's
I'm dating your daugheter

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