by Misty Klinefelter - 27 tracks
Up my ass
Kevin Spacey doing Walken as Han Solo
I turn cities into salt
No idea
I'm the Anti-Christ
Do you know who I am?
What did curiosity do?
Walken reads 'Goodnight Moon' (Simpsons)
One leg at a time
Better fish to fry
I can't drive
I mean Kansas
I don't need forever
Stiffly Stifferson
The secret of 'genius'
Talking monkey
You got that gun? Use it!
One glass of Champag-na
Province of Champag-na
Hungry eyes
I pranked him to death
You gotta come work for me
Gotta have more
My name is Bruce Dickinson
Only prescription
Something stinks
Kevin Spacey doing Walken as Han Solo

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Boards form Misty Klinefelter
Christopher Walken, almost everybody's favorite bad guy, has amassed a brilliant career - and this board serves as an audio retrospective to the actor we all love and the characters he so memorably embodied.
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