
Category: My Music   Tracks: 92   Views: 680  

by Randal Duke - 92 tracks
Bad feeling
Bond, James Bond
Cry - A League of Their Own
I'll be back
I will not kill anyone
People don't talk - National Treasure
Bad Man - Gone in Sixty Seconds
An offer he can't refuse- Godfather
Been Somebody- Waterfront
Evening commisioner - Joker
Freak like me - Joker
hit me - Joker
I like that - Joker
Its all part of the plan - Joker
Joker laugh
Lets put a smile - Joker
Where is he - Joker
You can't handle the truth!
Fuzzball - Starwars
Hockey Religions - Starwars
I am your father
Imperial song - John Williams
Chewbacca roar
Don't fail me again
A better class of criminal
Joker laugh 2
Joker laugh 3
Where do we begin
Going to break
Here's my card
Kill the Batman
I'll show yah
Man of my word
Here we go
We're tonight's entertainment
There is no paper jam?
Two chicks!
I could see the squirrels
If they take my stapler
I'm gonna need you...Mm-kay?
That would be great
My only real motivation
Yeah Baby !
Do I make you Horney?
Good Evening Clarice - Hannibal
Get in my belly
Bowl of Soup?
Stepped on a duck
Fear in You
Bring out your dead
Flesh Wound - Invincible Knight
Tis but a scratch - Invincible Knight
Death awaits you all - Tim
That's no ordinary rabbit - Tim
Runaway !
The Serfs talk politics
Music when Jason is about to attack
A Shrubbery
Give us all a good spanking
I'm not dead
Lets not bicker about who killed who
Name your favorite color
Seen a spleen that large?
Little Bo-Peep
It's all ball bearings
Damn fine answer
Using the whole fist?
Do you own rubber gloves?
I'm your huckleberry
Yanky my wanky
You will be destroyed
So be it Jedi
Power of the dark side
You will die
Seismic Charges
TIE Fighters
Tractor Beam Power Down
Be Quiet - Angry
Bloody Peasant
I am your king
I order you to be quiet!
Shut UP!
You have proved yourself worthy
Your a looney
Now this is your last chance
No one to stop us