by C Roach - 31 tracks
And then you're gonna be up a creek
Every so often, have to get... otherwise I explode
Hi Stephanie, what's up
I know liberals that are smarter than that
I'm gonna punch your freakin' lights out
It was a straight up lie
It's gonna blow your mind how fun that is
It's just unbelievable
It's my money, you idiot
Just absolutely lying through his freakin' teeth
Shut up
Some people would call that a liberal mindset
That is an absolute freakin' lie
That's fun stuff
That's ridiculous
These people will drive you to distraction
These are bottomfeeders
They'll drive you to want to kill somebody
This was just way over the top
What kind of moronic thought train... that verbage
You and Glenn Beck are on the same page today
You are a socialist
You guys are great
You little punk
You idiot
You twit
You're a socialist scum-burger
You're an idiot
You're dealing with punks, as you already know
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