by Eve Dy - 53 tracks
Call me Lucifer
Beat u and kids
Friends call me Lu
I'm devil
Make u cry
Demonic laugh
I'm devil MOFO
Ain't havin s_ _ t
Beat her like redhead
Call u anytime
Dark energy up
Didn't call u
Don't have money
Don't have to honk
Escort rant
Eyeball grapes
Give me ur address
Give you my name
Go f urself
GPS don't have
Guess u know how
Happen to be one
Heard of Santeria
How do u spell that
How may I help u
How much longer
Hurt u and family
I know u know
In Chicago
Is that ur IQ
Isn't that a shame
Laugh about it
Lock u up
MOFOS workin for me
One more time
Rape old lady
Rip you out of house
Sleep less comfortable
Take ur d_ _k
Test my resolve
This is business
Trace this number
Tracing me
U call me
U won't do it
What do you want
Where u at
Why calling me
Write the address down
Ya u did

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Boards form Eve Dy
This is the Satanic Racist's voice altered to make him sound even more demonic than he already is. Adult Language
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