The Most Interesting Man in the World
The Most Interesting Man in the World is a Dos Equis ad campaign featuring journeyman television actor Jonathan Goldsmith. The advertisements feature a semi-bearded, debonair, gentleman roughly in his 50s, grainy footage of outrageous exploits, accompanied by a sequence of boastful one-liners.
by Eve Dy - 17 tracks
He is the most interesting man in the world
He is a lover, not a fighter
His charm is so contagious
Don't always drink beer
Find out what it is in life
His personality is so magnetic
His reputation is expanding faster
I don't always drink beer
It's never too early to start beefing up your obituary
Leave the tight pants to the ladies
People hang on his every word
See those nuts
Stay Thirsty, My Friends
The after party
The right look should suffice
The tune they play
There's a time and place for them

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The Most Interesting Man in the World is a Dos Equis ad campaign featuring journeyman television actor Jonathan Goldsmith. The advertisements feature a semi-bearded, debonair, gentleman roughly in his 50s, grainy footage of outrageous exploits, accompanied by a sequence of boastful one-liners.
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