Dungeons and Dragons Soundbytes
Dungeons and Dragons is an animated television series that was made in the United States during the 1980. It was a series about six kids who were transported to a dimension filled with wizards and fire-snorting reptiles and cryptic clues and an extremely-evil despot named Venger.
by Eve Dy - 11 tracks
Theme Music
The Dungeons and Dragons end theme
Dungeon Master
A gateway
Dungeon Master pops in
Eric confronted by a monster
Eric is outvoted
Presto tries his hand at magic
Show us the way home
Sound effect
Venger passes out some orders
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Boards form Eve Dy
Dungeons and Dragons is an animated television series that was made in the United States during the 1980. It was a series about six kids who were transported to a dimension filled with wizards and fire-snorting reptiles and cryptic clues and an extremely-evil despot named Venger.
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