by PJ Browne - 36 tracks
Bollocks of a ref
The bollocks has given a penalty
No wipers on his glasses
He's only winded
Aherlow are County Champions
What is going on at all
Wake Up Ref
My false teeth are falling out
I feel like gettin' sick
I'm not well
A brilliant save
Draggin' him to the ground
Take him on Lucky
You won't even kick a fuckin' point
The bear is coming out
Over the bar
In the back of the net
Comin' out, no one near him
No score for Nenagh
No.12 is John Kennedy
What the hell is his name?
The referee is actin' the mickey
Will ya drive the ball down the field
It's lobbin' in
Drive the ball ya devils
Kicked and bruised
GAA circumstances
It'll be another heavy day
Jaysus, a hand in the back
The man with the swollen knee
That bollocks number 6
Connolly, Kennelly, Connolly
Brian Connolly..Conran
Whatever you call it
Jaysus..he kicks it across the field

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