by Elvis Presley - 37 tracks
Strung Out Monologue
What you think I am
Ode to a robin
Hurt (song clip)
Dont Cry Daddy (song clip)
Heart of Rome (song clip)
I love you too sweetheart
Good Morning
All across this town
Bellboys freaks and maids
Poke a little Sock Salad (song clip)
Aint got long (song clip)
Cindy Cindy (song clip)
Dear Georgie (song clip)
If I find
Ive never been strung out
That was a party
Memories (song clip)
My Woman (song clip)
Stranger in My own Home (song clip)
Stranger 2 (song clip)
Strung out on heroin
I will pull your tongue out
Oh excuse me
Quack Quack
The Fever (song clip)
You are strung out
Your very bothering mechanic
The Moneys gone
We hate you Elvis
There goes my career
A smattering of applause
Wearin' That Loved On Look Take 4

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Boards form Elvis Presley
Here is a collection of Elvis sound bytes. Also some song clips from his most bizarre ramblings and stories. Rare insight into the other side of Elvis Presley. Some mature language.
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