Fonejacker - Film Film

coming soon

Category: Comedians   Tracks: 27   Views: 12627  

by Jokers Union - 27 tracks
but for student project it not illegal
but i wanna come down with film crew
err basically i'm student
how big is back row
how big your cinema
i do this in many cinema for student project
i film film from back of cinema
i got a permit
i wanted to come down with film crew
i was gonna come down and film film
i'm doin student project
is there space for film crew
no its not
space for film crew
that cinema
two for five pound
video piracy (course)
wanna buy dvd
we not doing anything wrong - we just...
what you think i'm gonna film film ... turn into 20 dvd
yeah but i do it for student project
yeah i was talking to your corregue
you wanna buy dvd 2