
Category: My Music   Tracks: 38   Views: 1779  

by joe robinson - 38 tracks
Terry Tibbs - Maserati 3200
Terry Tibbs - Hello
Terry Tibbs - Talk To Me
Terry Tibbs - Hang About
Terry Tibbs - A bit more about the car
Terry Tibbs - 5 in the 70's
Terry Tibbs - Blue
Terry Tibbs - urinating is not the way
Terry Tibbs - how to do business
Terry Tibbs - 17 grand
Terry Tibbs - 1750
Terry Tibbs - wiggily wig
Terry Tibbs - thank you and good night - much love
Terry Tibbs - I need descriptions
Terry Tibbs - give you a price
Terry Tibbs - in the paper for 600
Terry Tibbs - where are you?
Terry Tibbs - where the **** is that?
Terry Tibbs - London
Terry Tibbs - Rolls-Royce
Terry Tibbs - Beauiful Car
Terry Tibbs - This one's very special
Terry Tibbs - Incredible
Terry Tibbs - 3 wives in the back seat
Terry Tibbs - A few people interested
Terry Tibbs - Double the price
Terry Tibbs - 25 grand in yer hand
Terry Tibbs - I can get 25 grand
Terry Tibbs - Fridge Freezer
Terry Tibbs - Many Types Of Fridge Freezer
Terry Tibbs - Does'nt f***in' matter
Terry Tibbs - Terry Tibbs
Terry Tibbs - How the **** do i know that?
Terry Tibbs - How much
Terry Tibbs - 250, don't play ****ers with me
Terry Tibbs - Tickets to the threatre
Terry Tibbs - i'll sing it 3700
Terry Tibbs - sounds realistic to you