by Alex Stevenson - 75 tracks
I'm calling from...
6 x faster
maybe 8x
42 megabytes
no download limits
40 per month
not happy with your service
what u mean?
no its 42 megabytes
very cheap
i think you want to sign
student special
no money to eat
all your fault
im upset
thats funny
oh nice
gd afternoon
i'm calling from...
slight proble with bank
basically wat happened
money needs 2 be pressed and steamed
you know when u make a withdraw
money comes out crisp
man in charge had heart attack
and hes locked himself in vault
inside vault..
in order to free him...
then we can..
so can i have ur sort code?
time is of the essence
ur conious
ur gonna let him die
how r u gonna get to your money
the money has not been...
his life is....
the alarm
my job is...
u christian?
a gd christian.....
hello there
hello everyone
hello banana fingers
hello hubert
how u doing?
y dont you like me?
i dunno
against my religion
wat u doin later?
can i come?
i understand
so sorry
didnt know
feels like jello
feeling tingly
singing about france
find france another day
a boy staring
like it/ dont like it
who like banana fingers?
you do
you taste.......
im goin to the bar
gonna leave
leave now
see ya l8er
im sexy
your sexy

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