by Jeremy Fuller - 103 tracks
Hey Baby
Do you like porno?
Shit in your house
Why not?
Last night I have sex
Do you want to touch
Should I tell people I am good at sex
Girls just want to have fuck
When do we have sexy intercourse
She's gonna squirt
I have a new wife she nice
It is like doing it with my sister
He have very big testicles
My sister is a prostitute
My Sister is number 2 prostitute
I like you do you like me
My mother never loved me
Thank You
There is a smell
You are a real man
Romance inside of you
Why you laugh?
Yes 2
Hello thank you to speak me
He is your slave?
Camera in Lady toilet
Do ladies work here
1069er we got whores
Could you shut up and give money
ohhh baby come to Butthead
This is Butthead
Wait a minute - Butthead
La La La
Answering phone
My Mistake
Shut the hell up!
Say Goodnight to the Bad Guy
Antonio Montana
I'm Rick James
Say what again!
She wants it
4 Nuggetts
C*ck Pushups Explanation
I just wanted to say it
Dont offer me anything
Shut up fool
Kill those suckas
Italian Stallion
I'm dumb and your shy
Really juicy
Giggidi Giggidi Giggidi
Giggidi Giggidi Giggidi 2
Fat chicks
Fifty box
You are my best friend
40yr Old Virgin - Big Box of Porn
Road Trip - Boner Time
I'm Rick James Bitch
I'm Rick James
Touch my weiner
Did you fart
Ledge of apliegance
Woody Wood Pecker
What are you...
Stupid SOB
Bathroom Poem
Toilet Flushing
Peeing & Flush
I'm Gonna Take A Piss
20th Century Fox
THX Original
Warner Brothers
MGM Roaring Lion
Burp 2
Burp 1
Perfect Fart
Wet Fart
Quick Fart
Laughing Gas
Nuclear bomb going off
Whats up Vanilla Face
Bang Skid Nigga
La La La La La
Do this have a pussy magnet
I must buy 1 with pussy magnet
Rubber fist in my anus
Looking for a room
You have an erotic physique
US and A
Do you have a laugh
My brother has
If I give good price U put in PM

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Boards form Jeremy Fuller
just a bunch of stuff i threw together
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