
Category: My Music   Tracks: 62   Views: 659  

by jim bob - 62 tracks
beat s*** mother long
beat s*** mother short
be right back
certain people after this
congratulations i just found out who you are
cut the vent off
do you f***ing think i'm laughing???
do you f***ing understand me?
do you think thats f***ing funny (long)
do you think thats f***ing funny (short)
everyone is
excuse me
f*** off1
f*** off2
f*** you
f*** ing freak
f*** ing watch you prik
get off the server
get the f*** off my goddam vent
get the f*** off
hello 2
hello 1
i promise
i swear to f***ing god...
i swear to f***ing god (short)
list everyones names
i want every name written
i went onto umm...
i'm finding bizarro...
i'm reporting this right now...
imma kill you....
imma make you a faggot
leave me alone
ninja was on this, then he left
no 2
no 1
oh my god no
ram fist up ass...
rip balls
serenity if this is you
(sigh) i'm gonna get you
starting again i got chills
then i'll be a goddam dick alright
what do you want you bastard?
what do you want?
what is that?
what the fuck?
when i find you.... imma rip your head off
who the heck is this?
write his name down again
you have just been banned
you piece of s***
your mother you freak
your mother
your're dead!