The Hangover Sounds 1
The Hangover is by far the most significant comedy to come of the US in the last three years. The story centres around a group of four friends who travel to the den of iniquity that is Las Vegas for stag weekend. In The Hangover, nobody learns a lesson. In theathers June 5, 2009. Adult Language.
by Eve Dy - 26 tracks
Mike Tyson singing
Stu sings a song
Not you fat Jesus
Don't text me, it's gay
Except herpes
Face down in a ditch
Get a map
He was a re-tard
Holocaust ring
I checked all the rooms
I drive great when I'm drunk
I shouldn' be here
It is gross
It was Roffies!
It's funny because he's fat
Lucky Charm
Masturbating on an airplane
Nice lady
Paging Dr Faggot
Puttin on some pants
She fucked a sailor
She's grossed out by semen
The man purse
Stu sings a song
He was a re-tard

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Boards form Eve Dy
The Hangover is by far the most significant comedy to come of the US in the last three years. The story centres around a group of four friends who travel to the den of iniquity that is Las Vegas for stag weekend. In The Hangover, nobody learns a lesson. In theathers June 5, 2009. Adult Language.
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