
Category: My Music   Tracks: 79   Views: 982  

by Travolta - 79 tracks
What's up
Ya there
What's your name
Is your first name Walter
You a man who pays his debts
What's takin so effin long
What the f you callin me for
Don't bs me man
Be honest with me man
Look I need to know who I'm dealing with
It's me man
chuckle haha
woohoo baby
don't insult me
not gonna push me around
I don't care 1
mfer 3
Bring it man
Hey greaseball speak up
Greaseball get a pizza
Don't play games I'll track you down
Lick my bunghole mfer
Philandering ahole, love me to pull the trigger
Get through to me I don't think so
I don't effin think so
Get the f off the radio
Don't call me unless you got news
That's a good question
I'm tired of talking to you
Over n out
I could use a foot massage
I'm gonna take a piss
I'm gonna take a shit
I'm in big f'ing trouble man
I got this chick, she is OD'ing on me
next thing you know she's OD'ing
You may be the last friend I ever make
I'm a very sore loser
You're playin with fire my man
You're more effed up than I am2
You stop believing mfer, thats it
That's it thats effin it
Shouldn't you be thinking gtfo
Are you a bad penny
How did you do it
Just tell me how did you do it
Do it
Who am I talking to
Your name, is it Walter
I didn't get your name, whats your name my man
You don't think this was meant to be
Need to pray, give me a minute
What do ya got
Gonna give the city a run
That's your problem not mine
Stick it in a effin wheelbarrel
Gotta say what you gotta say
Your my damn hero
Thats brave, effin heroic
Sht always hit's ya man
Oh that is a deal
Ryder with a y
Call me Ryder
Who is this
effin greaseball
explicit humping