by Greg S - 28 tracks
yeah right jackie
Jackie Alexis Riechenbach
I'm kidding with you
Give me a Hug!
you are my best friend this is retarted
You can call all you want
I'm not talking to you but i will text you
what are you doing later
Do you know what it's like to be ignored?
talking bad behind my back
Say it to my face
why are you crying
Why are you acting like you can't hear me?
I am just like exhausted from the whole thing
Our friendship is over
Go by your house and talk to your mom
Going somewhere?
maybe if you weren't such a bitch
he had is shirt off
you just spit on me
jackie thinks she is the dictionary
i had half a sip of a wine cooler
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Boards form Greg S
Clips taken from John Roberts's short film "WHY JACKIE AND I ARE NO LONGER BFFS"
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