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Fitness is an ever-evolving industry that often goes full circle in its methods and theories. Somewhere along the way, due to the influence of desk work and sedentary lifestyles, we have lost our "natural playground"...i.e. the days when we trained our bodies to be healthy and strong simply by utilizing our own body as resistance and using basic tools to promote stability and free range of movement. Now, like our earliest forefathers, we are once again moving back to a functional approach to fitness: where the definition of being fit means having the strength, balance, mobility, agility, and muscular endurance to handle any task.

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HQH Fitness

Fitness is an ever-evolving industry that often goes full circle in its methods and theories. Somewhere along the way, due to the influence of desk work and sedentary lifestyles, we have lost our "natural playground"...i.e. the days when we trained our bodies to be healthy and strong simply by utilizing our own body as resistance and using basic tools to promote stability and free range of movement. Now, like our earliest forefathers, we are once again moving back to a functional approach to fitness: where the definition of being fit means having the strength, balance, mobility, agility, and muscular endurance to handle any task.

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