by Matthew Broshears - 92 tracks
Christmas Story-Aunt Clara
Christmas Story-Daddy's Gonna Kill Ralphie
Christmas Story-Daggumit, Blowout!
Christmas Story-Disaster Descends Upon Us
Christmas Story-F-R-A-G-I-L-E, Must Be Italian
Christmas Story-There Could Be Anything In There
Christmas Story-I Won!
Christmas Story-No Turkey
Christmas Story-Not A Finga!
Christmas Story-Red Ryder BB Gun
Christmas Story-Tapestry Of Obscenity
Christmas Story-Electric Sex
Christmas Story-I double-dog dare you!
Christmas Story-You'll shoot your eye out
Christmas Story-My father's profanity
Christmas Story-Deck the halls with what?
Christmas Story-Meatloaf
Christmas Story-I triple-dog dare ya!
Christmas Story-Little bribe
Christmas Story-Shoot your eye out
Christmas Vacation-25,000 Twinkle Lights
Christmas Vacation-bend over
Christmas Vacation-bit nipply
Christmas Vacation-boss tirade
Christmas Vacation-bit nipply
Christmas Vacation-check you shitter
Christmas Vacation-dump truck through nitro
Christmas Vacation-emptying the shitter
Christmas Vacation-hap hap happiest christmas
Christmas Vacation-lot of sap
Christmas Vacation-merry christmas
Christmas Vacation-refill your eggnog
Grinch-welcome christmas
Miracle On 34th-u.s. government
Muppets Christmas-merry christmas
Rudolph-fallout for elf practice
Rudolph-skinny santa
Rudolph-charlie in a box
Rudolph-elf practice
Rudolph-i'm cute
Rudolph-reindeer games
Scrooged-it's christmas eve
elf-clausometer is shocking
elf-don't believe in santa claus
elf- free candy
elf - my name's buddy
elf - cotton headed ninnymuggins
elf - son of a nutcracker
elf - yellow snow
elf - baby it's cold outside
elf - belching
elf - bye buddy
elf - call me elf one more time
elf - christmsas gram
elf - christmsas gram 2
elf - food groups
elf - francisco
elf - fruit spray
elf - ginormous
elf - he's a liar
elf - i'm singing
elf - i like to whisper
elf - lincoln tunnel
elf - maple syrup
elf - need a hug
elf - santa must have called you
elf - santa's coming
elf - smiling's my favorite
elf - spread christmas cheer
elf - throan of lies
elf - who sent you
elf - workshop
elf - you did it
elf - you're fast
elf - you smell like beef and cheese
wonderful life - scurvy little spider
wonderful life - attaboy clarence
wonderful life - giving out wings
wonderful life - you've had a wonderful life
wonderful life - hard drinks
wonderful life - hot dog
wonderful life - if ever i get a husband
wonderful life - kind of an angel i'd get
wonderful life - merry christmas
wonderful life - merry christmas bedford falls
wonderful life - my mouth's bleeding bert
wonderful life - out you two pixies go
wonderful life - say brainless
wonderful life - some easier way to get my wings
wonderful life - stop annoying people
wonderful life - you like every boy

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Boards form Matthew Broshears
Here are some of my favorite sound clips from some of my favorite Christmas movies, including: Christmas Story, Christmas Vacation, Elf, It's A Wonderful Life, Miracle On 34th Street, Rudolph, Grinch, and The Muppets.
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