I heard about this method, but tried only on the advice of a friend…And what can I say...It's really COOL and WORKS! This is a real breakthrough in training and rehabilitating dogs! It helped us solve a lot of the standard problems with our dog and I highly recommend it to everyone! But trust me, the method is worth to buy Check this site, you'll like it: [https://tinyurl.com/dogbest...](https://tinyurl.com/dogbestbehavior "https://tinyurl.com/dogbestbehavior")
Brianca Crawl • 5 years ago -
I heard about this method, but tried only on the advice of a friend…And what can I say...It's really COOL and WORKS! This is a real breakthrough in training and rehabilitating dogs! It helped us solve a lot of the standard problems with our dog and I highly recommend it to everyone! But trust me, the method is worth to buy Check this site, you'll like it: [https://tinyurl.com/dogbest...](https://tinyurl.com/dogbestbehavior "https://tinyurl.com/dogbestbehavior")