Invader Zim Sounds 1
Invader Zim was a short-lived but immensely popular animated cartoon created by Jhonen Vasquez and released by the Nickelodeon channel. It is a laugh-out-loud animated series about a puny alien who sets out on a secret mission to conquer Earth, but the only thing holding him back from his goal is a ten-year-old boy.
by Eve Dy - 42 tracks
These are my parents
Zim laughing
The wrath of the Irken elite
Looking for a friend
Another win
Could you get any shorter
Demand Piggies
Earth is our enemy
Foolish earth creature
Gir laughing
Going to sing
He will pay
Hopeless appendage
I can see
I don't know
I love this show
I was right
Idiotic human
Inferior human organs
Inside your body
Iron fist
I've got a squeedly-spooch
Mission goes well
No possible idea
Pitiful attempt at spying
Prepare for some DOOM
Run out of fuel
Say it now
Sees the alien sitting in class
Skin grows back
Take me to the Weasles
The stink of clean
To unleash stupidity
You can't have an invasion
Victory is mine
Boards form Eve Dy
Invader Zim was a short-lived but immensely popular animated cartoon created by Jhonen Vasquez and released by the Nickelodeon channel. It is a laugh-out-loud animated series about a puny alien who sets out on a secret mission to conquer Earth, but the only thing holding him back from his goal is a ten-year-old boy.
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undeadking AngelDeath • 8 years ago -
Can't fine the one I want how can I get SFX?