Invader Zim Sounds 2
Take a trip to outer space with the cartoon adventures of alien intruder Invader Zim! It is centered around an alien invader named Zim from the planet Irk who is attempting to conquer and/or destroy a dark and satirical version of the Earth.
by Eve Dy - 44 tracks
The world is saved!
Danger and madness
Earth is safe
Kneel before Zim
A mistake
Become the enemy
Business done
Completely useless
Demands your attention
Filthy heads
Fixed mess
Frying something
Fun really starts
Hideous implosions
I couldn't find my invitation
It hurts me
It's not stupid
Leave me alone
Nobody saw
Nothing or something
Pay no attention
Pitiful human
Poor doomed child
Powerful enough
Prepare for destruction
Prepare your bladder
Pull some levers
Radioactive rubber pants
Release the pig
Shut your noise tube
Speak his name
Stupid human propaganda
Superior being
Take a good look
That game was stupid
That made it worse
That was easy
The machine has spoken
The weenie tempts you
Watch me amaze you

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Boards form Eve Dy
Take a trip to outer space with the cartoon adventures of alien intruder Invader Zim! It is centered around an alien invader named Zim from the planet Irk who is attempting to conquer and/or destroy a dark and satirical version of the Earth.
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