
Category: My Music   Tracks: 70   Views: 2915  

by Jeremy Kennedy - 70 tracks
You're ruining my life
Singing at the party (song)
Sretchy Pants
One Million Dollars
Your Ridiculously Good Looking
Evil Laughing - Chuckie
Good Evening Clarice - Hannibal
My name is Bond (Roger Moore)
Bond, James Bond
Welcome to the real world
Red or blue?
I'm gonna need you...Mm-kay?
If they take my stapler
Italian Stallion
Yo Adrian I did it
Godzilla Roar - 1970s
Run its Godzilla!
We meet
Hasta La Vista
I'll be back
I make this look good
The men in black
Camelot Song
Runaway !
Flesh Wound - Invincible Knight
Tis but a scratch - Invincible Knight
She turned me into a newt
The holy hand grenade
I blow my nose at you
I Fart in your general direction
Hello who is it?
I'm French
I dont want to talk to you
A Shrubbery
Ni !
The Knights who say Ni
Losing power
Captain Kirk
Captains Log
Prepare 2 attack
Resistance is Futile - Locutus
Beam me aboard
Live Long and Prosper
Hello I'm Space Ghost
Put that in your pipe
Are you insane?
Error computations
What in Blazes is this?
Pointed Earred Vulcan
Yo quiero Taco Bell
Where's the beef?
That's a spicy meatball!
Pizza! Pizza!
Have a look at this!
No worries mate!
Ask Not
Make my day
Wipe that smile
You can't handle...(short)
Heeeerrrrees Johnny
Get a load of me
You're Fired (sinister)