by Jordan Thelen - 25 tracks
Neck, ...odd man out.
Neck, And the first beer in the other!
Neck, Whachamacallit
Athlon Laugh 1
Athlon Laugh 2
Athlon, I just busted open a bag...
Athlon, Tonight we didn't do so well.
Athlon, WTF
Athlon, You're not an idiot, Mandi.
Athlon, Maybe cause your healer is fucked up
Athlon, Duuuuude
Athlon, Medivh is a pussy!
Athlon, Hungry Rant
Athlon, Melii has a tattoo on her back!
Mandi, Steven. Whatahyadoin.
Athlon, Sweet Tooth
Mandi, Melii has a tattoo!!!
Mandi, What Chris has in his other hand.
Drizz, I got a nice penix
Neck, Fuck you up!
Neck, Lost at Fenway
Mandi, Nate Nate Nate Nate
Mandi, The hell were you thinkin?
Uzz, We have to go to WHAT?

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