by James Scott Poor - 403 tracks
aw to bad(ep 1)
bad flute(ep 1)
digimon are real(ep 1)
dimond storm(ep 1)
dont do it(ep 1)
ew gross(ep 1)
great(ep 1)
heres a plan(ep 1)
i think i created you(ep 1)
im goin nuts(ep 1)
im just taking a time out(ep 1)
in your dreams dufus(ep 1)
it looks like him(ep 1)
my digi eggs hatched(ep 1)
oh i do mean yes(ep 1)
poor mr sleepy head(ep 1)
pretty(ep 1)
two plus two equals four(ep 1)
um this is new(ep 1)
which would make me(ep 1)
youd better hurry up and write the appology(ep 1)
episode 1 ending(ep 1)
come down here(ep 2)
digimon tamer(ep 2)
dont you wanna play(ep 2)
gym class(ep 2)
hm pretty(ep 2)
how do i put this(ep 2)
huh(ep 2)
id be happy to beat you(ep 2)
i guilmon(ep 2)
i ina box(ep 2)
I need a new box(ep 2)
I never get to have any fun(ep 2)
I still beat you(ep 2)
its guilmon alright(ep 2)
it wants to swallow our brains(ep 2)
man your heavy(ep 2)
need a hand there son(ep 2)
nobody move(ep 2)
ok(ep 2)
run rabbit run(ep 2)
sometime before we turn 50(ep 2)
sweaty(ep 2)
takatomon(ep 2)
terriermons right(ep 2)
that horrible growl(ep 2)
the northern lights(ep 2)
then why are we here(ep 2)
very funny(ep 2)
want more(ep 2)
whats that(ep 2)
wheres the fun in that(ep 2)
yea this is boaring(ep 2)
you know hunny ive been thinking(ep 2)
your eyes are leaking(ep 2)
episode 2 ending(ep 2)
apparenlty(ep 3)
are you ready to fight this time(ep 3)
aruguing(ep 3)
armor activate(ep 3)
arnt you happy to see us(ep 3)
attack(ep 3)
by the way(ep 3)
can i boy(ep 3)
did i do ok(ep 3)
did you find a home(ep 3)
everyone knows(ep 3)
gargomon(ep 3)
give me a break(ep 3)
how does this stupid thing work(ep 3)
I hope he doesnt sleep(ep 3)
im hungry to(ep 3)
I think that qualifys are rude(ep 3)
its my turn(ep 3)
i wonder if(ep 3)
like on tv(ep 3)
little boy(ep 3)
modify(ep 3)
momenti(ep 3)
momenti meaning(ep 3)
no more peanut butter(ep 3)
nothing bad can happen(ep 3)
oh forget it(ep 3)
ok shes gone(ep 3)
pyrosphere(ep 3)
she will be the best(ep 3)
takato needs a girl(ep 3)
was that supose to scare me(ep 3)
what the diffrence(ep 3)
what did you do to this place(ep 3)
whats so great about fighting(ep 3)
whats you point(ep 3)
what was all that about(ep 3)
yes but thats not it(ep 3)
you 2(ep 3)
you must have a lovely singing voice(ep 3)
your a guy in a suit(ep 3)
your one humble guy(ep 3)
your outta the club buddy(ep 3)
episode 3 ending(ep 3)
bunny blast(ep 4)
bunny blast 2(ep 4)
can i at least(ep 4)
can we go home now(ep 4)
come on henrey(ep 4)
dedigivolve(ep 4)
get the lead out(ep 4)
gorillamon(ep 4)
guilmon fall down go boom(ep 4)
guilmon didddnt do anything(ep 4)
he diddnt mean it(ep 4)
he does have a point(ep 4)
hes a big one(ep 4)
hes mad(ep 4)
hes small and smart like me(ep 4)
hes to small(ep 4)
heyy(ep 4)
humans(ep 4)
i cant beleive(ep 4)
I can walk on my hands(ep 4)
i dont want you to fight(ep 4)
I hurt them to(ep 4)
I just couldnt help it(ep 4)
ill never make you fight again(ep 4)
I supose(ep 4)
I take it(ep 4)
I think ive had(ep 4)
I thought i was the tamer(ep 4)
its easier when you cheat(ep 4)
just to small(ep 4)
just what i need(ep 4)
kapow(ep 4)
kazu(ep 4)
like a bannana(ep 4)
like peanut butter and bannanas(ep 4)
look out(ep 4)
must run faster(ep 4)
no idea who you are(ep 4)
not you him(ep 4)
now i got it(ep 4)
now might be a good time to hide(ep 4)
now what(ep 4)
oh come on(ep 4)
oh nuts(ep 4)
ok takato(ep 4)
outside the game(ep 4)
run away(ep 4)
some over grown rabbit(ep 4)
sounds like there gay(ep 4)
speed activate(ep 4)
terrier tornado(ep 4)
thats one tough monkey(ep 4)
that little winnie(ep 4)
that stuffs kinda cold(ep 4)
there just 1s and 0s right(ep 4)
they just never learn(ep 4)
this is rediculous(ep 4)
this is some week were having(ep 4)
training grips activate(ep 4)
what are you waiting for(ep 4)
what do you think this is(ep 4)
what goes up must come down(ep 4)
whats up(ep 4)
who invited him to the party(ep 4)
will someone please tell me whats going on(ep 4)
yea i gotta work on that(ep 4)
you can have this lame one(ep 4)
you gotta point(ep 4)
you might be right(ep 4)
you picked a dumb time(ep 4)
episode 4 ending(ep 4)
aw nuts(ep 5)
beilamon(ep 5)
can be a curse(ep 5)
chess(ep 5)
clone activate(ep 5)
data(ep 5)
demon darts(ep 5)
get him right(ep 5)
good idea(ep 5)
hes out there(ep 5)
hey(ep 5)
hey there(ep 5)
how long the tamer(ep 5)
huh(ep 5)
hyper wing activate(ep 5)
i dont care(ep 5)
i just like the pictures(ep 5)
i smell(ep 5)
i think im gonna be sick(ep 5)
i wouldnt hurt(ep 5)
if life were fair(ep 5)
if there not listening(ep 5)
if you insist(ep 5)
it just needs(ep 5)
it was a ghost digimon(ep 5)
its time for a test(ep 5)
lets be friends(ep 5)
lets wait(ep 5)
making a new friend(ep 5)
me(ep 5)
nightmere shocker(ep 5)
no(ep 5)
not fair(ep 5)
not playing with a full deck either(ep 5)
nothing more than data(ep 5)
oh no(ep 5)
pretty much(ep 5)
pulp(ep 5)
random noises(ep 5)
ready for the ball(ep 5)
see(ep 5)
since when(ep 5)
so you calimon(ep 5)
sounds drunk(ep 5)
tickely(ep 5)
uglies(ep 5)
we better get back(ep 5)
well(ep 5)
what(ep 5)
whatever(ep 5)
whos laughing now(ep 5)
why(ep 5)
whats with the goggles(ep 5)
yea(ep 5)
yer goin down(ep 5)
yey(ep 5)
yey me(ep 5)
yey me 2(ep 5)
you can be replaced(ep 5)
your mother dresses you funny(ep 5)
episode 5 ending(ep 5)
A moment of understanding ruined(ep 6)
agamons frozen wind(ep 6)
aint that sweet(ep 6)
allomon(ep 6)
bada boom(ep 6)
before i lose my lunch(ep 6)
broken record(ep 6)
buhbye hansom(ep 6)
cold shower(ep 6)
come on(ep 6)
diddnt your little(ep 6)
dokugomon(ep 6)
dont tell anyone(ep 6)
dragon wheel(ep 6)
eat dirt(ep 6)
fox flambe(ep 6)
foxtail inferno(ep 6)
game time(ep 6)
get away why you can(ep 6)
get away why you can -digievolution- (ep 6)
get out of here(ep 6)
go(ep 6)
great(ep 6)
hey take it from me(ep 6)
how about a breeze(ep 6)
hyper chip activate(ep 6)
I guess it does(ep 6)
i must be dreaming(ep 6)
I wish(ep 6)
im good at it(ep 6)
im in(ep 6)
impmons plan(ep 6)
look(ep 6)
might depend on you(ep 6)
myright(ep 6)
oh(ep 6)
party time(ep 6)
poison thread(ep 6)
rika screams(ep 6)
scaley bum(ep 6)
sneemons twin(ep 6)
step into my parlor(ep 6)
terriffic(ep 6)
t was rude you know(ep 6)
think again cupcake(ep 6)
This is class A(ep 6)
throw up(ep 6)
twin sckels(ep 6)
unstopable(ep 6)
venum blast(ep 6)
walk all over him(ep 6)
why do you think(ep 6)
you shouldnt be here(ep 6)
you wanted somone powerful(ep 6)
episode 6 ending(ep 6)
are you guys gonna(ep 7)
bad(ep 7)
blubbering over data(ep 7)
cant take a joke(ep 7)
computers are boaring(ep 7)
did you(ep 7)
drown(ep 7)
ha no(ep 7)
hm(ep 7)
I guess your right guilmon(ep 7)
im not angry(ep 7)
its like(ep 7)
its to bad(ep 7)
just like me(ep 7)
like(ep 7)
lover boy(ep 7)
no(ep 7)
nope(ep 7)
oh brother(ep 7)
oh geeze(ep 7)
oh hi(ep 7)
poor guilmon(ep 7)
renamon(ep 7)
sigh(ep 7)
silly(ep 7)
some how(ep 7)
stupid(ep 7)
that could only be(ep 7)
thats all we make(ep 7)
thats so stupid(ep 7)
the cowards creedo(ep 7)
this can and it will(ep 7)
tomarrow(ep 7)
um(ep 7)
underwere(ep 7)
very confusing(ep 7)
waste of time(ep 7)
well(ep 7)
were in it(ep 7)
what about renamon(ep 7)
why(ep 7)
why do i(ep 7)
why dont they(ep 7)
with or without(ep 7)
yes sir(ep 7)
yey ice cream(ep 7)
your mommys(ep 7)
episode 7 ending(ep 7)
a dog eared(ep 8)
all data(ep 8)
aw(ep 8)
back for more(ep 8)
big red dinosaur(ep 8)
chicken(ep 8)
come with me(ep 8)
confess(ep 8)
daveedramon(ep 8)
did i ask you(ep 8)
did you(ep 8)
dont look at me(ep 8)
dragon slash(ep 8)
excuse me(ep 8)
for goodness sake(ep 8)
girls never play fair(ep 8)
going up(ep 8)
good greif(ep 8)
growlmon(ep 8)
guilmon(ep 8)
had enough(ep 8)
he doesnt look(ep 8)
hes a basket case(ep 8)
how do we know(ep 8)
huh badaboom(ep 8)
humans(ep 8)
hyper wing activate(ep 8)
i had to ask(ep 8)
I need to get home(ep 8)
I think ill have to(ep 8)
I wont let them(ep 8)
ill never see you again(ep 8)
im going home(ep 8)
it was just(ep 8)
just this once(ep 8)
little less(ep 8)
me to sir(ep 8)
more(ep 8)
no way(ep 8)
nope(ep 8)
of course(ep 8)
oh come on(ep 8)
ok(ep 8)
pineapple head(ep 8)
power activate(ep 8)
pyroblaster(ep 8)
rawr(ep 8)
right in the(ep 8)
so i forgot the couch(ep 8)
speed activate(ep 8)
still look cool(ep 8)
takato this(ep 8)
tastey pretty bread(ep 8)
that was no pigion(ep 8)
thats more like it(ep 8)
thats pretty simple(ep 8)
this is whats called(ep 8)
wait dont go(ep 8)
wait for me(ep 8)
wait yes(ep 8)
what did i do wrong(ep 8)
where have you been(ep 8)
whyd i have to(ep 8)
you wouldnt do it(ep 8)
wrong(ep 8)
you have a new friend(ep 8)
episdoe 8 ending(ep 8)

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Boards form James Scott Poor
I love digmon. this is the season 3 digimon sound board. enjoy
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