
Category: My Music   Tracks: 24   Views: 594  

by John Lewis - 24 tracks
Rim Shot - nice joke
Crickets - awkward silence filler
Crowd Cheer - congrats on a nice job
that's all folks presentation ender
Drumroll - presentation starter
Jaws theme - something bad happening...
Let's Get Ready to Rumble- Meeting starter
Idea (Seinfeld) sarcastic appreciation of a bad idea
Dino barking - someone being a suckup
Wrong - Buzzer for a really wrong answer
WW2BA$1M - awkward silence filler (someone thining)
Allstar (Music) - after a great presentation
Mission Impossible - crappy work assignment
Ticking - someone's going on too long
Loser Horn - Idea getting shot down
Doh 4 - Homer Simpson
Jeopardy Board SMS
Zero - insult to a presenter
Witch Music - Wizard of Oz - scary presenter
What would you do? Insult
Sissy talk
Farewell to thee
Gonna be a dull day
Times up