
Category: My Music   Tracks: 33   Views: 2717  

by jason richcreek - 33 tracks
Who said that?
You are pukes
I will unscrew your head
You can come over to my house
Sleep with your rifles
God has a hardon
Give me 25!
What is your major malfunction?
Dead Marines
Don't fall down
Hard on
Suck a golf ball
Could get up there
Got a pair
you are pukes
Are you a Peter puffer
I didn't know they stacked shit that
Hell I like you
Do you think I'm funny
You will not like me
I'll be watching you
I think you've been cheated
Unscrew your head
You owe me for one jelly donut
What's your name fat buddy
Do I make you nervous
I admire your honesty
You don't scare me
Well thank you very much