The Danny-Tron 5000 for Just a Sec: The Geekly World News Podcast

Zombieboy Danny's interjections, questions, guffaws, disapprovals and other bodily sounds

Category: Comedians   Tracks: 10   Views: 786  

Tags: geek
by Danny Gallagher - 10 tracks
greeting to replacement host
i'll take things i'm always right about for 200, alex
show greeting
there ain't nothing funnier than farts
unleash the kraken
I don't agree with you but I respect you
no wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong
let's pretend that didn't happen
yes i agree with you completely
that wasn't funny
Boards form Danny Gallagher
Danny Gallagher

Zombieboy Danny's interjections, questions, guffaws, disapprovals and other bodily sounds

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