The Kazoo Soundboard
Kazoos are one of the easiest instruments to play; even the design is fairly simple. It creates a buzzing sound when a person hums into it. There is nothing on this instrument that will help to change the pitch or the sound; this is done by the person humming into it. The kazoo is even played professionally in comedy music and in jug bands.
by Eve Dy - 11 tracks
Paul Williams from The Krew Kazoo
John Mayer playing My Heart Will Go On on Kazoo
Vaginal Kazoo
Kazoo Tunes
Metallica Enter Sandman performed by Mister Tim
Mister Tim, internet Kazoo SENSATION
Rick Hubbard plays kazoo
Tenacious D on Kazoo
The campaign to make the kazoo the US national instrument
The Ode to Joy by Beethoven
Master Kazooist Cartoon Kevin

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Boards form Eve Dy
Kazoos are one of the easiest instruments to play; even the design is fairly simple. It creates a buzzing sound when a person hums into it. There is nothing on this instrument that will help to change the pitch or the sound; this is done by the person humming into it. The kazoo is even played professionally in comedy music and in jug bands.
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