by David T - 81 tracks
Let's Get Ready to Rumble
Powerplay - I got the Power NIXMIX
GAME INTRO - Are you ready for a good time NIXMIX
Goal - Nix Rockinbird Seed Mix NIXMIX
Feature presentation
Indiana Jones theme
Olympics John Williams Anthology
Warner Brothers Opening Theme
Survivor (Cook Islands)
Mission Impossible
Whistle Song from Andy Griffith Show
Charge !
Round 1
Round 2
I feel good
Wally Gator
I said quiet
The words
Don't give me attitude
Do NOT go in there!
Shut up fool
Singing Dog
Lots of dogs barking
Cry - A League of Their Own
My Mistake
And the lesson is?
Silly laugh
Laughing man
Crowd is Wild
Hary Caray - Holy Cow
Run Forrest run
are you serious
Daffy Duck yells
Somebody Stop Me!
I am your father
arnold punch you in the gut
Hawaiian Punch
Plan comes togetha
I Pity the fool
Chewbacca roar
Alrighty then!
I'm a psyhco
I don't recommend that
I meant to do that
Sometimes you feel like a nut
Wassup! - Budwesier
They're Grrreat !!
Hello, Hello, Hello
what's up doc
Good Grief
What the hell...
I was wrestling wolves
Here's Johnny
32 Dohs from many episodes !
Krusty - Hey kids!
Come on Down
Dude, you're the man
Prepare to be astonished
Simon Surprised Me
Simon You killed it
Where's the beef
Wild and Crazy Guys
Well well
Thank you for playing
Thank you very much Sir'
Finish him
Mario Loses Life
Alarm sound 3
Captain Kirk
Base on Balls theme*** Walk It Out (Remix)

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Boards form David T
Combaton- A martial arts game. These are the sound effects played during the game
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