Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time

A few tracks from Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time, including several location songs and the varies in-games tunes the character must learn.

Category: Games   Tracks: 10   Views: 25061  

by Karina Woolslayer - 10 tracks    Full Board $4.99
LoZ Ocarina of Time - Bolero of Fire
LoZ Ocarina Of Time - Gerudo Valley
LoZ Ocarina of Time - Hyrule Field
LoZ Ocarina of Time - Lost Woods
LoZ Ocarina of Time - Nocturne of Shadow
LoZ Ocarina of Time - Requim of Spirit
LoZ Ocarina of Time - Saria's Song
LoZ Ocarina of Time - Serenade Of Water
LoZ Ocarina Of Time - Song of Time
LoZ Ocarina of Time - Song of Storms
Boards form Karina Woolslayer
Karina Woolslayer

A few tracks from Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time, including several location songs and the varies in-games tunes the character must learn.

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