Mars Discoveries
Listen to recent discoveries made by NASA while exploring Mars. Under the thin atmosphere, Mars has surface evidence of having features such as impact craters, volcanoes, valleys, deserts and polar ice caps. Water once existed and was likley underground.
by Jason Booth - 13 tracks
A wet world
1976 Viking - Habitable planet
Mars Crater
Mars dust storm
Mars had recent water flows 1
Mars had recent water flows 2
Mars has Seasons
Mars impact craters
Mars most likely to be habitable
Storm on Mars
There was water on Mars
Underground water likely
Underground water likely 2

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Boards form Jason Booth
Listen to recent discoveries made by NASA while exploring Mars. Under the thin atmosphere, Mars has surface evidence of having features such as impact craters, volcanoes, valleys, deserts and polar ice caps. Water once existed and was likley underground.
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