Metal Sonic Soundboard
Metal Sonic is the deadly, Robotic incarnation of Sonic the Hedgehog with Terminator-like Powers. He speaks in a Monotonous voice that suits his wicked personality. Metal Sonic is aggressive and very cold hearted. He is also completely obsessed with the idea that he is the better Sonic.
by Eve Dy - 29 tracks
I'm Metal Sonic
Can't defeat you
Ultimate overlord
Transformed my body
Ultimate lifeform
Built to destroy you
Burn to death
Chaos control
Crush you
Get away
Ha ha ha
I had it all
I'll skewer you
Lifeform data
Long time no see
No longer afraid
Robot overlord
Speck of dust
Take this
Tear you to pieces
Too late
Victory turn to despair

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Boards form Eve Dy
Metal Sonic is the deadly, Robotic incarnation of Sonic the Hedgehog with Terminator-like Powers. He speaks in a Monotonous voice that suits his wicked personality. Metal Sonic is aggressive and very cold hearted. He is also completely obsessed with the idea that he is the better Sonic.
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