
Category: My Music   Tracks: 71   Views: 1957  

by richard gonzales - 71 tracks
TV Show Theme - Ozzy Osbourne
Leave Me Alone
Holding my side - Death
Read in the Bible
That's a joke
I Like to Make Love
I'll make it feel really good
Oral Sex
I'm Chris Hansen
Dukes of Hazzard
Sanford and Son
Fat Albert
Good Times
Three's Company
some unusual readings
Why do you need to socialize?
Wasn't that great, kids?
Hey kids !
Shut up fool
I don't think so
Crazy fool
Big Dummy
Youse crazy Alfalfa
Hi I'm Buckwheat
I'm ugly
Marcia ... Marcia ...Marcia
Oh my nose
Shut the f*ck up
Poor you!
I don't like that talk
You oughta be ashamed
Don't know what your talkin bout
Deep burn
Breathtaking heinie
Like a gay
Take it Easy
What is your major malfunction?
Halloween the Movie theme
Freedom isn't Free - song
Hans, you're breaking my balls
Fear not Muslim friends
Singing at the party (song)
Incarnacion Song
My Name Borat
Ghetto speak
Godzilla Roar - 1970s
Run its Godzilla!
Poor black child
I'm so wasted
U.S. History
I know that dude
Hey bud
Ohh narly
Have you found Jesus
Stupid is as Stupid does
My magic shoes
use the phone
Frankor the Beans
Hey woman
You're next
Get out my face
I'm the king of the World
im so lonely
4 thumbs down
Black Gallagher
Samuel L. Jackson Beer
An Album Cover