Mr. Chow from The Hangover
Ken Jeong portrayed the role of Mr. Leslie Chow in the movie The Hangover. His turn as the quirky Asian gangster Mr. Chow is so out there that you cant help but laugh, and is certainly one of the most talked about elements of this film. Adult Language.
by Eve Dy - 11 tracks
It's funny because he's fat
Bring money
Toodaloo MotherF ker
How that sound
Oh yeah
Take him back
What you talking about Willis
You gonn f k on me
Ken Jeong Interview
Toodaloo MotherF ker
What you talking about Willis

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Boards form Eve Dy
Ken Jeong portrayed the role of Mr. Leslie Chow in the movie The Hangover. His turn as the quirky Asian gangster Mr. Chow is so out there that you cant help but laugh, and is certainly one of the most talked about elements of this film. Adult Language.
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