The Simpsons Movie Clips
The longest-running animated series in history and the longest-running primetime series currently on television hits the big screen! It contains the hearty laughs, biting satire, and honest portrayal of an American family that makes it popular.
by Beng dy - 32 tracks
Bountiful penis
Another load of crap
Peace be with you
Spider Pig
The United States government
Devil's curly hair
Tom Hanks
Acid-firing superdrill
Face that mob
Five solutions
Giant sucker
Global warming
Springfield Anthem
Hate kids
Heed this warning
I'll teach you
Just do it
Number three
The Simpsons Movie theme
Pitchforks and torches
So long, losers
Stupidest thing
Tricked by an idiot
Yard trimmings
Yeah, baby, yeah
You're trapped like... carrots
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The longest-running animated series in history and the longest-running primetime series currently on television hits the big screen! It contains the hearty laughs, biting satire, and honest portrayal of an American family that makes it popular.
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