by Publius Scipio - 29 tracks
This is the part where you fall down and bleed to death
We've got a burgler
What's going on
what's the matter getting tired
why won't you die
you dare attack me
you should have paid the fine
You won't get away with this
Nobody breaks the law on my watch
Hey come on now there's no need to get violent
hey what did I ever do to you
hey what did you do that for are you some kind of maniac
How dare you steal from me
I'll make captain for this
I'm confiscating your stolen goods now pay your fine or it's off to jail
I'm on your side
It's all over lawbreaker
I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than you
Man down man down
Help murder
By the gods, there's a psychopath on the loose
By the nine divines assault assault
For the empire
guards someone's being attacked
Help help I'm being attacked
Stop right there criminal scum
Stop you violated the law (Long)
Stop you violated the law (short)
Then pay with your blood
Boards form Publius Scipio
I was making a YTP and decided to make a soundboard for the most well-known Oblivion guard lines.
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Brandie • 6 years ago -
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