by Ryan Ryan - 92 tracks
Leeroy Jenkins
Dun Dun
Nappa - What does the scouter say
Vegeta - Over 9000
Nappa - What 9000
Vegeta - Over 9 thousaaawtfboom
Nappa - Hey Vegeta What's Up
Nappa - Vegeta Vegeta
Vegeta - Over 9 thousaaaaaaaaaaand
Balls Of Steel
shit down ur neck
kick ass chew bubblegum
what a pussy
broom handle in ur ass
die bitch
my guns bigger
Dumb & Dumber: Hey
Dumb & Dumber: Wanna hear the most annoying sound?
Dumb & Dumber: Most Annoying Sound (9 seconds)
Dumb & Dumber: Most Annoying Sound (20 seconds)
Dumb & Dumber: Don't Tell Me To Shut Up, Woman!
4 Strength 4 Stam Leather Belt? FULL
Ahh dude, 4 Strength 4 Stam Leather Belt?
Leather Belt?
Level 18?
Uhh, uhh.
Oh My God...
Arnold - Hi
Arnold - Its Aronold
Arnold - im dective john kimble
Arnold - Terminator
Arnold - Cybernetic organism
Arnold - How are you?
Arnold - Nice to meet you
Arnold- Bunch of Questions
Arnold - Who Are You
Arnold - Who is your daddy, and what does he do?
Arnold - let me talk to your mother
Arnold - I will not kill anyone
Arnold - Yeah
Arnold - Yes
Arnold - No its not true
Arnold - expect me to belive you
Arnold - Get ready
Arnold - You SOB
Arnold - I don't play that game
Arnold - i wanna know whats going on
Arnold - You want to fuck with me
Arnold - Come on, don't bullshit me
Arnold - Stop being such a pussy
Arnold - Room for my Fist
Arnold - Fuck You
Arnold - Bullshit
Arnold - Stoppit!!
Arnold - Stop Whining!
Legend of Zelda Majora
Open Treasure Box
Small Item Catch
Congratulations I just found out who you are
Excuse me who the heck is this?
Fuck You!
Get off vent or I'll have you bent
this is where she goes crazy swearing
I want every person written name written down
I'll be right back
No, I'm finding Bizarro we're gonna cut off vent
I'm gonna get you
We could play dodgeball
Boys have penis...
The sound in my head when I see the above..
ling and betty
Bad invincible
London, England
Michael Jackson
I twat I taw a putty tat
Bombs away
I did taw a putty tat

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Boards form Ryan Ryan
My soundboard includes.... Duke Nukem, arnold schwarzenegger, wow nerd, wtf boom, Over 9000!, Most annoying sound in the world, Zelda, leroy jenkins and Random stuff.
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