by Bradley J. Benham - 84 tracks
Al Pacino - Flamethrower
Al Pacino - Say Hello To My Little Friend
Allen Iverson - Practice! Practice!
Army of Darkness - Boomstick
Army of Darkness - Give Me Some Sugar
Army of Darkness - Hail king
Arnold Swartznaeger - Hasta La Vista
Billy Madison - Mercy on Your Soul
Billy Madison - Pee Your Pants
Bill Murray - Cinderella story
Borat - US and A
Borat - You are a real man
Chris Farley - I'm retarded
Christopher Walken - More cowbell!!!
Christopher Walken - Something stinks
Clint Eastwood - Pep Talk
Clint Eastwood - Arrogant
Darth Vadar - Destiny
Dazed and Confused - Same age
Dodgeball - Traffic
Dodgeball - We could play dodgeball
Golum (Lord of the Rings) - My Precious
EHarmony - Two soulmates
Flavor Flav - Flavor Flav
Holy Grail - Bring out your dead
Holy Grail - Oh yes its very nice
Homer (The Simpsons) - Doh
Homer (The Simpsons) - 32 Dohs
Jack Nicholson - You can't handle...(short)
Jack Nicholson - 2 out of 3 Branches
James Brown - That is Unbelievable Man!
James Brown - Wah! I Feel good
Jack Black (Nacho LIbre) - I Wanna Win
Jim Carrey - Pathetic Loser
Jim Carrey - Truth shall set you free!
Jim Carrey - We've got no food
Jim Mora - Playoffs?
John Heder (Napolean Dynamite) - Bass
John Heder (Napolean Dynamite) - You're ruining my life
John Wayne - Wipe that smile
Marlon Brando - An offer he can't refuse
McLovin (SuperBad) - I am McLovin
Mel Gibson - Every Man Dies
Michael Scott - Crossed the line
Mike Gundy - Im a man !
Mike Meyers (Dr. Evil) - I expect you to die!
Mike Meyers (Dr. Evil) - Friggin Bone
Nicholas Cage - Trust
Office Space - Actual work
Paris Hilton - Thats Hot
Robert Duvall - I love the smell of Napalm
Sean Connery - Bond, James Bond
Simon Cowell - Horse
Simon Cowell - Theres Bad
Simon Cowell - Wow that was terrible
Simon Cowell - Zero
The Simpsons - Lionel Hutz
Stewie Griffin - Bad
Stewie Griffin - Forecast
Sylvester Stallone - Fight the fight
Team America - Matt Damon
300 - Prepare for glory
Tom Cruise - Show Me The Money
Triumph - Poop
Val Kilmer - I'm your Huckleberry
Vince Vaughn - Winning Attitude
Will Ferrell - Breathtaking Heinie
Will Ferrell - This is not good
Will Ferrell - You stink
Yoda - Size Matters
The Good, The Bad, The Ugly - Theme Song
Mission Impossible Theme
Indiana Jones Theme
SOUND - Crying
SOUND - Death of Ms Pac Man
SOUND - Falling at High Speed Splat
SOUND - Mario Loses Life
SOUND - Marvin the Martian
SOUND - Ready to Rumble!!!
SOUND - Snore
SOUND - Thats all folks - Porky
SOUND - Trumpet First Call
SOUND - Well the game is afoot
Finish him

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Boards form Bradley J. Benham
I made this for a Dodgeball Tournament that I am announcing, hope it helps you
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