by Phil Hartman - 34 tracks
I'm just a caveman
Bill Clinton
Doctor McCoy
Ed McMahon
Mario Cuomo
What's the word on the street?
Pile of sassy
Frank Sinatra
Ross Tredway
Lionel Hutz
Lionel Hutz 2
Troy McClure
Troy McClure - Get high
Troy McClure - Jimmy
Troy McClure - Carnegie
TM - Dinner
TM - Larry Leadfoot
TM - Alien nosejob
TM - Kiosks
TM - Metric system
TM - Mothball
TM - Self Help
TM - Telethon
TM - Christmas
Get lost
When I was a child
Is it getting chilly?
We don't need your education
Rocket-Fuel Malt Liquor - Damn!
Rocket-Fuel Part 2
I'm Bill McNeal

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