by Pete Kaliner - 68 tracks
Rim Shot
Drum Roll
Dun Dun Dun DUUNN
Dun Dun Dun
Crowd laughs
Check the manifold
Wah Wah
Boys wish Apache chopper
TRUMP doing unbelievable things
TRUMP we do nothing right
TRUMP on stupid leaders
TRUMP invented immigration debate
Children are future (short)
Beg for mercy
ED - Losing cool
ED - My God Democrats
ED - You're wrong
Know you're gay
Gay or not
Who is Bill Murray
GH1 porkchop
GH2 blah blah
GH3 cold grey
GHOSTBUSTERS-1-- biblical
GHOSTBUSTERS-2-- mass hysteria
Godfather (short)
Ideas vs beliefs
IJ - give mouth a rest
IJ - making up as I go
Jerky Boys - knowing insults
Mariachi Music 1
No Math (long)
Of the age
PACINO - flamethrower
PACINO - Sham kind of show
PB - Inconceivable meaning
PB - Inconceivable
PB - Land war
PB - Marriage
Pelosi - Pass to know
Regan - rendezvous with destiny
Remain calm! All is well!
Shocked (short)
SIMPSONS - 3 sentences
SIMPSONS - kinds of evidence
SIMPSONS - no pants lawyer
SIMPSONS - objection
SIMPSONS - saw Matlock
SIMPSONS - twirling to freedom
SIMPSONS - what is truth
Sit the next plays out
SPARKLES-6 no immoral boobs
STAR WARS - force disturbance
STAR WARS - human behavior
STAR WARS - lack of faith
STAR WARS - power of darkside
Stop Hatin
Titanic cry
Um-Um-Um B-h-O_short
Upgraded to alive
VICK - I care about animals now
VICK - Love your animals
Worst farewell ever
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Boards form Pete Kaliner
The soundbites heard regularly on the Pete Kaliner Show on WWNC-AM.
Soundbites used on the Pete Kaliner radio show on WWNC-AM in Asheville, NC.
The sound effects for the trivia contests on the Pete Kaliner Show on WWNC-AM in Asheville, NC.
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