Quincy Magoo Soundboard
Mr. Quincy Magoo (Jim Backus) is a cartoon character created by John Hubley in 1949, for UPA. He is a wealthy, short-statured retiree who gets into a series of sticky situations as a result of his nearsightedness, or latent myopia, compounded by his stubborn refusal to admit the problem.
by Eve Dy - 31 tracks
Crime does not pay
Efficiency is my middle name
Rutgers, Rutgers, forever
Too old to go to prison
A dealer must stand
A toast
Are you sick boy
Confound it man
Crazy mixed up character
Critics called it trash
Dead as a dodo
Demote him to a delivery boy
Heads are gonna fly
Home Economics class
I need someone like YOU
I'll sue the city!
I'm gonna start getting things organized
Never come back
Pesky machine!
Right on target
Shouldn't be traveling alone
Stop your mumbling
Swinging into action
That is a bargain
The old geezer hasn't talked or moved
They'll stick you every time
Watch those calories
You've done it again
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Boards form Eve Dy
Mr. Quincy Magoo (Jim Backus) is a cartoon character created by John Hubley in 1949, for UPA. He is a wealthy, short-statured retiree who gets into a series of sticky situations as a result of his nearsightedness, or latent myopia, compounded by his stubborn refusal to admit the problem.
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