
Category: My Music   Tracks: 38   Views: 658  

by Rachel Buckmaster - 38 tracks
Babyjesus prayer
Cougar in the car - Reese Bobby
Help me Tom Cruise !
I'm very important
Miniature Buddha
Afternoon delight
Loud noises!!
Glass case of emotion
I look like hell
I love Scotch
Battle Rules
Brick Killed A Guy
Hey Everyone
IQ of 48
I want my money bitch !
Im gonna smack you
You pay now bitch
Can I have 4 beers
I'm just buzzed
I'm taking my beer.
I need to get my drink on
Your an a-sshole.
Full Landlord dialogue
I'm burying you
Song bird of generation
Did you touch my drumset
Your mother has a mustache
Suck my balls
Stu sings a song
Not you fat Jesus
Don't text me, it's gay
He was a re-tard
Holocaust ring
I shouldn' be here
Masturbating on an airplane
Paging Dr Faggot
Shut the hell up!