by Randal Burris - 79 tracks
Goes down smooth
Deep burn
Milk was a bad choice
Afternoon delight
No Pants Dance
Like a gay
I love Scotch
Ummmm, bitch
4 thumbs down
Playa Hater
Free crack?
Fat girls
Lil' Jon - What!?
I'm rich bitch!
I Piss Excellence
Babyjesus prayer
Crack dealer
Hang on baby Jesus
Help me Oprah Winfrey
Let the cougar loose
This is not good
I Don't Remember Asking You
Say what again
Moment of clarity
I'm a mormon
I'm a mushroom cloud
Call an ambulance
Do you normally curse this much
Don't blow this sh-t off
Very bad day
Hey Barkeep - Brian
Holding my side - Death
Don't have a soul
Peed in my pants
Fat chicks
Hit the bar
Girly magazines
She was adorable...
From the tranny
Bud Light Suck one
Ma, the meatloaf!
What is she doing?
Let's have some meatloaf
I almost numbchucked you
Say Hello To My Little Friend
You got nothin' on me
Calling me a liar ?
Goodnight 1
Goodnight 2
No Way
OK FU hows that
Save your Breath
Take it Easy
I Don't Like Vaginas
I Feel Black
Calm Down, Calm Down
Colonel Cluster Fuck
If People Don't Like it.....
You're a BITCH!
Look at the butt on that one
I hope you flip
Hans, you're breaking my balls
All this sh*t
Worst idea
Two chicks!
Actual work
Somebody Stop Me!
Do NOT go in there!
Buffed Beautiful & Bitchin'
This is Sparta !

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