The Sounds of Vietnam
Despite its arguably noble intentions, the war in Vietnam would prove the greatest challenge to American democratic idealism since the Civil War. As evidence of numerous documentaries, books and films about the war, listen to these recordings.
by Beng Dy - 26 tracks Full Board $4.99
Good Morning Vietnam
US withdrawl - NIXON
Goodbye My Sweetheart Hello Vietnam
MLK opposed to vietnam
Nixon and the Young Americans for Freedom
If I could turn back the hands of Time
U.S. Gen. Westmoreland Interview
Loudspeaker Near Fort Riley - N. Viet
Grenade Attack - U.S.
Chieu Hoi information
Our Nightmare is over - Ford
Broadcast of Vietnamese Local Radio
To New Troops - N. Viet
Your not in Kansas anymore
Why doesn't someone write to me
News About the War - N. Viet
What's playing at the base theater
Under Ground radio broadcast in Vietnam
Soldier Boy
Harbor Bomb - U.S.
Hanoi Hannah - N. Vietnamese
How are you GI Joe ? - N. Viet
Mail call
Hanoi Hanna
Goodbye my son
Delta to the DMZ

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Boards form Beng Dy
Despite its arguably noble intentions, the war in Vietnam would prove the greatest challenge to American democratic idealism since the Civil War. As evidence of numerous documentaries, books and films about the war, listen to these recordings.
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